Hi! I like to collaboratively design intuitive digital experiences and systems for maintaining them.

I enjoy integrating creative, analytical, and collaborative problem-solving. I bring experience in healthcare, data analysis, and business to create people-centered products with mission-driven teams.

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🥞 My Design Toolbox

💻 Work

Case Studies

Side Projects

🥞 Design Stack

User Research

Tools: User Interviews, User Testing, Maze, Otter.ai, Miro, Dovetail

Product Design

Tools: Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch

Fostering Collaboration

Tools: Figjam, Miro, Figma, Whimsical, Slack

Design Strategy & Project Management

Tools: Data Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Trello, Airtable, Excel

Design tools include: Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, Miro, Excel, Google Suite, Notion, Trello, Slack

Design tools include: Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, Miro, Excel, Google Suite, Notion, Trello, Slack

👋🏼 About


I like contstraints.

It sounds counterintuitive. Constraints feel like limits. They can limit creative expression. But product design is not about creative expression. Product design is about creative problem-solving. It's also about effective collaboration that delivers value for people and for business.

Constraints are interesting. Constraints inspire creativity and innovation. There's nothing more satisfying than figuring out how to do more with less. ****Constraints provide direction. Constraints define what the right problem really is.

So I like constraints because they make for more interesting and creative problems to solve.